GAnalyticz is a simple and fast Google Analytics client for Android smartphone devices. This mobile application is provided for free on Android Market. Using GAnalyticz client you can get reports of any different profiles in predefined or customized range of dates. You can also define the metrics/dimensions to be shown in the GAnalyticz reports. This free app allows you to add multiple Google Analytics accounts.
Here are the features of Ganalyticz Client App for Android mobile devices;
✓ Account credentials are stored in the database in which password
✓ Manages many Google Analytics accounts,
✓ Chose GA profile and custom date range in the reports,
✓ The report shows statistics any dimensions with referring sites,
visitors country, search terms, mobile client, browsers used,
resolutions, content by title,
✓ Activate/deactivate the dimensions wished to see in the settings
on the home screen,
✓ Generate a detailed table (hit counts for each day, amount
of hits for visitors, visits and page views),
✓ Every online request is done with a secure connection (SSL).
This website tool application requires Android OS version 1.6 or above.
Download free GAnalyticz app from Android Market
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