As it comes from the biggest security provider, you can trust Norton Mobile Security and Mobile Antivirus to protect your Android powered device. They claimed that their antivirus product is ranked number 1 in protection and performance, then Norton lends its antimalware expertise to mobile.
Norton Mobile Security (Beta) is provided free at Android market. This mobile Antivirus & Security can detects and eliminates mobile threats before they can infect Android phone. Below are main abilities of Norton Mobile Security;
- Integrated Android antivirus to automatically scans downloaded apps
and application updates for threats,
- Detects and removes mobile threats used on illegal cyber-
criminals acts that steal your personal information, send spam texts,
and trying to take control the phone,
- Gives option to automatically scan SD (Secure Digital) memory cards
for threats when plugged into phone with advanced malware protection.

The Anti-Theft feature can do remote control to locates, locks, and wipes your Android phone if it is lost or stolen;
- Lets you remotely lock phone if it’s stolen, so thieves can’t use it
and running up the bill,
- Find the phone fast with remote location mapping,
- Locks the phone if it's SIM card is removed, so it can’t be used
with another SIM card,
- Remotely wipe information on phone if it’s lost or stolen,
so cybercriminals can’t use it to steal identity or hard-earned cash.
The privacy feature can protect the personal information on your phone;
- Blocks fraudulent (phishing) websites created by cyber-criminals
to trick into revealing personal information,
- Blocks annoying and unwanted calls text messages with
simple blocking features.
Most other important thing is that the Mobile Security run fast, easy-to-use, and won’t slow down the Android systems;
- Downloads and installs on phone with just a few clicks and
checks for updates every week for the most up-to-date protection
- Doesn’t swallow up phone’s resources or slow down Web browsing.
To equips your Android devices with Norton Mobile Security & Antivirus Beta, your smartphone must meet the minimal requirements;
- OS Android 2.x or later,
- Android 2.0 device with 1.8 MB of storage,
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