The Free App Report application is based on website and community that features the best free apps for the day. It gives stuffs; all about the discovery of fun, entertaining, useful and most importantly quality free apps from application store (eg. iTunes).
The report given is not another “price drop” website, and each app listed on the report goes through a quality check before being featured. Most apps featured on the Report are typically paid apps, but on sale for free for an undisclosed amount of time.

On iTunes, some apps often can be given free of charge for hours only, others for days. With FreeAppReport application we'll have the complete information of the free applications on the hand, so we would not missed this stuff. All the apps are guaranteed to be the best free apps for the day.
Some apps will be listed free exclusively for this application community, but others have been made free for other sites, but all applications featured on Free App Report are guaranteed not to suck.
After download and use FreeAppReport app, you've been encouraged to make any contribution to the community. The community promises that more popular the community site, the better apps would be able to be featured.
You can do these 3 things every day to help the community grow:
1. Visit the site every day, and download the free apps you enjoy,
2. If you enjoy the apps for the day, share them with
friends on Twitter, Facebook, Email, etc,
3. For any featured apps, you can leave a good reviews
for the developer on iTunes. These reviews will help
the developers that are featuring their apps for free.
The application is requires Apple iOS 3.0 or later. Take a second to download the FreeAppReport application for Aplle devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod touch), and enjoy the app savings!
Download from iTunes. Permalink
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